Constitution & Bylaws


Fiscal Year 2024 Beginning Oct. 1, 2023


Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the Ministry, the expenses of the church, and the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children both at home and in church; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to treat all people in a Christ-like manner; to abstain from the abuse of alcohol; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our savior.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, be quick to forgive, and be always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.

We believe that marriage is a biblical institution established by God as described by scripture. We believe Biblical marriage can occur only between one man and one woman as biologically designed by birth. This Church recognizes that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a covenant commitment. Accordingly this Church’s Pastor, a visiting Pastor, or staff will not officiate in same-sex unions or same-sex marriages; nor will its property or resources be used for such purpose.

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


I.     Membership

  1. General – As a sovereign and democratic Baptist Church, the membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of the church and the conditions of such membership.
  2. Candidacy – Any person may offer himself/herself as a candidate for membership in this church.  All such candidates shall be presented for membership at a regular worship service in any of the following ways:
  3. Profession of faith to be followed by baptism
  4. Promise of letter from another Baptist church
  5. When no letter is obtainable, by a statement of,

1.    prior conversion experience, or prior profession of faith, and

2.    baptism in a Christian church when no letter is obtainable

iv.   Reinstatement in the event a person has been excluded from active membership for cause deemed sufficient by the church, provided the following conditions are met;

1.    The person requesting reinstatement must give evidence at a regular worship service of his or her repentance or change in conditions necessary for active membership.

2.    A majority of the members present vote for reinstatement.

3.    Upon a request by any church member for time to consider the vote for reinstatement, or gather more information, the vote shall be delayed for 2
weeks.  The person requesting the delay may report on his or her finding if he/she so chooses.

c.    Duties – Members are expected to be faithful in all duties essential to the Biblical standard of the Christian life which include: attending the services of the church, giving regularly for its support and causes, and sharing in its organized work.

d.    Rights – Each member shall have the right to expression concerning the business of the church and the right to vote.  Only those members present for the business meeting shall be allowed to vote.

 e.   Attendance Requirement –

i.     Due to the part-time nature of many of our residents, we recognize dual membership in our church and one other Christian church.

ii.    If a member does not attend church regularly an average of three months a year for three consecutive years, he or she will be presumed to have abandoned his/her membership.

  1. This attendance requirement is intended as a way to purge our rolls of people who no longer wish to be, or can be, members.  The requirement is to be interpreted liberally in favor of those who wish to remain members.

f.     Termination of Membership –

 i.    Death

 ii.   Request

iii.   Transfer to another Christian church

  1. Abandonment

v.    Exclusion

1. Only appropriate when a member becomes an offense to the church and to
its good name by reason of immoral or unchristian conduct.

2.    Requires a special business meeting and a chance for the member to be heard.

3.    Requires a 2/3 vote by members present at the meeting to exclude a member.

II.    Church Year

  1. In all business, fiscal, and education matters of the church, the new year shall begin on October 1 and take the number of the calendar year to follow.  For example, the church year 2016 will begin October 1, 2015.
  2. This church year coincides with the business and fiscal years of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist General Convention of Texas. It also prevents important year-end decisions from being made during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons when not all members may be present.

III.   Church Officers

  1. Requirements
  2.  All church officers must be members

ii.      Officers must have attended at least half of the business meetings for the year prior to their election or appointment

  • Terms – All Church Officers, except the pastor, shall serve one-year terms beginning in October each year.  Nominations for the next year’s officers shall be made at the August business meeting and voted on during the September business meeting.  There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms an officer may serve in any capacity.
  • Assistants – All Church Officer positions may, if the members wish it, have an appointed assistant who will act in the primary officer’s place as needed.
  • Pastor

i.     Responsibilities – The pastor is responsible for leading the church in functioning as a New Testament church.  The pastor will lead the congregation, the organizations, and the church staff in performing their tasks.  The pastor is the leader of worship, proclamation, education, pastoral ministries, and staff administration.

ii.    Pastoral Search – When the church shall be without a pastor, a pulpit committee composed of three members shall be formed with no two members of the committee being of the same family.  Each member of the church shall be permitted to submit in writing to the moderator nominees for the pulpit committee.  The church will elect three pulpit committee members from those nominees by secret ballot.  The committee shall elect its own chairman.  The moderator is precluded from being a part of the pulpit committee.

iii.   Pastoral Invitation – Prior to an invitation in view of a call being extended to a prospective pastor, the pulpit committee shall present its recommendation concerning salary, vacations, sick leave, revivals, policy matters, and other pertinent matters to the church at a regular or specially-called business meeting.  A simple majority vote is required to extend an invitation in view of a call.

iv.   Calling – A pastor may be called at any regular or special business meeting provided that notice has been given from the pulpit on the preceding Sunday.  The vote to call requires a 2/3 majority of those members present.

  • Discharge – A recommendation to discharge a pastor shall be presented to the church at a regular business meeting.  A final vote on the matter will occur 2 weeks later at a special business meeting.  The meeting and its purpose must be announced from the pulpit during worship service on the Sunday prior to the meeting and the Sunday of the meeting.  A vote to discharge a pastor requires a 2/3 majority of those members present at the special meeting.

e.    Moderator – The moderator of the church shall lead the monthly business meetings, act as the backup for all other church officers, and shall be the chairman of the Executive Board.

f.     Clerk – The clerk shall take minutes at all business meetings, request copies of letters from the prior churches of new members, and perform other such duties as required by the church that best fit under this title.

g.    Treasurer – The Treasurer shall take responsibility for the finances of the church.  Duties shall include:

i.     making a report of church finances at every regular business meeting,

ii.    distributing funds to the different committees and officers of the church within the limits of the budget

iii.   writing and signing such instruments required to pay the financial obligations of the church

  1. reviewing, coordinating, and evaluating all necessary insurance coverage for the church and bringing any recommended changes in coverage to the church for approval.

h. Executive Board

i.     Composition – The Executive Board shall be composed of the Pastor, Moderator, and Treasurer, along with the chairpersons of the Adult Education Committee, Hospitality Committee, and the Building and Grounds Committee.

ii.    Purpose – The Executive Board shall meet, in person or some other manner they choose, during the week prior to the regular business meeting to set the agenda for that meeting.

iii.   Emergency authorization – The Executive Board is permitted to act for, and in the best interest of, the church when a quorum of five members unanimously agrees that some decision must be made and action taken before a special business meeting could be arranged.  A simple majority of the Executive Board members present is required to approve any action.  An emergency meeting of the Executive Board may be done in person, telephonically, or by some other electronic means.

iv.   The Executive Board shall act as the budget committee and recommend a budget to the church for consideration at the August business meeting. Discussion and voting on the annual budget shall occur at the September business meeting.

  • The Executive Board shall act as the Trustees for the church.  See Paragraph IV(d).

IV. Church Policy

a.    Relationships – The government of this church is vested in the members. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical organization.  We recognize and sustain the obligations of mutual counsel operation which are common among Baptist churches.  Insofar as it is practical, this church will cooperate with and support the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist General Convention of Texas, and the Rio Grande Valley Baptist Assembly as well as any other such group we may choose to join in the future.

b.    Doctrine – The Holy Bible is the authority in all matters of faith and practice.

c.    Legal Entity – This church is a legal entity or “corporate person” and may contract with any other legal entity, receive by gift, purchase, or devise all kinds of real and personal property, and may hold, use, mortgage, or convey the same for the good of the church or to foster any enterprise the church may direct.  Any action described in this paragraph must be approved by the church at a regular or special business meeting.

d.    Trustees – The Executive Board will serve as the trustees of the church and shall serve as the legal representatives of the church.  The Executive Board shall act as directed by the church in legal transactions involving the disposition, acquisition, mortgage, purchase, and rental of property. Three members of the Executive Board must sign all documents of legal transaction.

e.    Property – The church’s real property consists of two permanent buildings, which shall be identified by the following names and descriptions (both buildings are located on the North West corner lot at the intersections of Texas Highway 186 and Wells Street in Port Mansfield, Texas):

i.     The Worship Center is the easterly of the two buildings and is easily distinguishable by the steeple on its roof.  It contains the sanctuary, nursery, church office, two classrooms, and a kitchen and dining area, along with other assorted smaller rooms.

ii.    The Fellowship Hall is the westerly of the two buildings.  It contains one large meeting room, a kitchen area, two bathrooms, and three storage closets.

f.     Property Use –

i.     The Worship Center is set aside for religious activities only.  These include, but are not limited to, worship services, weddings, funerals, vacation bible school, bible study, Sunday school, choir practice, and church youth activities.  Any non-religious activity in the Worship Center must be pre-approved by the members at a business meeting.

ii.    The Fellowship Hall will be used primarily for church functions. Members may use it for social, community, or business activities provided such activities do not conflict with church functions or church doctrine. Members using the Fellowship Hall for activities other than church functions shall be personally liable for any damages to the building.

g.    Purpose and Assets and Dissolution – This church is organized and shall be operated for the purpose of engaging in religious worship and promoting the spiritual development and well-being of its members and our community. Its assets are pledged for use in performing these purposes.  On discontinuance of this organization by dissolution or otherwise, its assets are to be transferred to a religious or charitable organization that is qualified as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or such other legislation that may replace § 501(c)(3) in the future.

V.    Committees

a.    Committee Composition – Each of the permanent committees shall be comprised of three

church members.  Committee chairpersons will be nominated at the August business meeting every year and voted on in the September business meeting every year.  There is no limit to the number of times a member may serve on a committee.

b.    Committee Membership – Each of the permanent chairpersons shall select committee members.  Neither the Moderator, Clerk, nor Treasurer are permitted to be the chairperson of any church committee.

c.    Pastoral Guidance – The pastor may not serve on any church committee. It is expected that the pastor will offer such guidance as any committee may require.

d.    Permanent Committees – The following are designated as permanent committees at Community Baptist Church at Port Mansfield, Texas:

i.     Children and Youth Committee – This committee is primarily responsible for the Christian education of the children of the church from birth through high school.  This education includes, but is not limited to, Sunday School, Children’s Church, nursery care, and organized youth activities.  The committee is also tasked with trying to bring in other children in our community and provide them with Christian ministry. This committee shall serve under the direction of the Adult Education Committee.

ii.    Adult Education Committee – This committee is primarily responsible for the Christian education of the members and guests of the church who have graduated high school.  This education must comply with the church doctrine, and includes, but is not limited to, Sunday School and organized bible study.

iii.   Hospitality Committee –

  1. This committee is responsible for organizing social events and community giving in Port Mansfield and other areas near the church.  Such events may include, but are not limited to, monthly covered dish meals, holiday dinners for members of the community, and Christmas gifts for residents of the community and local nursing home residents.          
  2. Requests to hold weddings, funerals, and other special services in the church should be made initially to the Hospitality Committee.  The committee will have the authority to grant such requests on behalf of the church so long as no expense is to be incurred by the church beyond normal operating costs.
  3. This committee is responsible for publishing a Church Directory as necessary. The last directory was published in August 2022.
  4. Building and Grounds Committee – This committee is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the church buildings and the ground on which they sit.  This includes, but is not limited to, repair of any damage or wear to the buildings, replacement or repair of any electrical equipment, and installation of any new equipment deemed necessary.  Any expenses that will cause the Building and Grounds Committee to exceed its annual budget must be approved by the church members at a business meeting.
  5. Other Committees – Other temporary committees may be specifically authorized and appointed by the church to achieve a specific goal.  The addition of another permanent committee will require amendment to these bylaws.

VI.    Church Meetings

  1. Worship Service – The church shall meet regularly every Sunday morning for prayer and the worship of God.  These meetings are open to all people and will be conducted under the direction of the pastor.  Music for the worship service shall be conducted by such church members who feel led to contribute their talents to the praise of our Lord.
  2. Business Meetings –
  3. Regular Business Meetings – Regular business meetings shall be held each month on the third Sunday of the month.  Members who have an issue to be discussed at the business meeting are respectfully requested to alert the moderator at least 7 days in advance when possible.
  4. Special Business Meetings – Special business meetings may be called by any church officer, provided that notice is given to the church from the pulpit on the previous Sunday.  It is expected that the emergency authority granted to the Executive Board will virtually eliminate the need for special business meetings, but they are not specifically forbidden by these bylaws.
  5. Quorum – A regular or special business meeting requires no less than 5 members be present, including at least two church officers.  If the moderator is not present, one of the other church officers must act as the moderator.
  6. Rules – Business meetings shall be conducted under the rules of parliamentary procedure as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order Revised, Fourth Edition, which can be found on the internet at

VII. Ordinances

a.    Baptism –

i.     A person who receives Jesus Christ as their personal Savior by public profession of faith at any worship service shall be received for church membership.

ii.    Following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, the new member shall be scheduled for baptism at the earliest convenience of the new member and the church.

iii.   Baptism shall be by immersion in water at a public gathering and by the authority of the church membership.

iv.   Baptism shall be by the pastor or whomever the church shall authorize.

v.    A new member who refuses the ordinance of baptism shall be counseled by the pastor on this decision.  Refusal of baptism by a new member for one year will be considered abandonment of membership in the church under paragraph I(f)(iv) of these bylaws.

b.    Communion –

i.     Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) is a symbolic act of obedience whereby Christians, through partaking of the bread and fruit of the vine, commemorate the death of Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming.

ii.    Communion shall be observed monthly, on the first Sunday of each month, or as otherwise scheduled by the Adult Education Committee.

iii.   The pastor and willing church members of the pastor’s choosing shall be responsible for the preparation and administration of communion.

iv.   Any person who has received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior by public profession of faith at any worship service shall be eligible to partake in communion.

VIII. Policies

  1. Church members are trusted to use their best judgment in planning and organizing events that require use of church equipment or facilities.  Any such use must comply with these bylaws.
  2. Use of church equipment or facilities by non-members must be approved by the members at a business meeting.
  3. Any additional church policies shall be adopted as temporary policies by the members at a business meeting.  Temporary policies shall expire on the last day of September following their adoption.
  4. Temporary policies should be put forth as amendments to these bylaws in order to become permanent.

IX.   Distribution – This Covenant and Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield, Texas, shall be distributed as follows:

a.    One copy is to be kept in the Clerk’s current record book.

b.    One copy is to be bound in a 3-ring or spiral notebook and left in prominent view in the church office.

c.    The latest copy should be made available to any church member.

d.    These Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield may also be viewed on the church’s website at

X.    Amendment

a.    These Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield, Texas, may be amended in whole or in part by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any regular business meeting, provided notice and explanation of the proposed amendment shall be given at the previous regular business meeting.

b.    These Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield, Texas, expressly void any and all previous inconsistent action of the church and any bylaws that may have been promulgated.

XI.   Annual Review

  1. This Covenant and Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield, Texas, shall be reviewed each August at the monthly business meeting.  Any proposed amendments or motions to abandon this Covenant and Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield shall be put forth at that time.
  2. Any proposed amendments or motions to abandon this Covenant and Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield shall be voted on during the September business meeting.
  3. The members present must vote by 2/3 majority to re-adopt, amend, or abandon this Covenant and Bylaws of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield.  If no 2/3 majority can be reached, these bylaws will remain in place until such time as the Executive Board can recommend a new set of bylaws that can be ratified by a 2/3 majority of the church.

XII. Ratification – Ratification of this document shall be by 2/3 of the members present at the regularly scheduled monthly business meeting.

XIII. Adoption – These bylaws are adopted in full by the action of the Community Baptist Church of Port Mansfield, Texas, on September 18, 2022.
