Our Joyful Purpose
Reaping Joy in God’s Abundance
What is our purpose as a church? Simply, it is to “seek and save those that are lost” (Luke 19:10). We as believers are only “passing through.” Our final destination is heaven, with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want everyone who enters to be sure of their final destination. God bless you as you feel the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We try to use modern technology to spread the good news of the gospel. If you cannot attend in person, you may access the Sunday Morning Worship Hour via a link on our website or on Youtube. May you be blessed as you worship with us!
Bible Study
Every Thursday morning at 8:00 am join us as we take a deeper dive into the Word of God.
On every Sunday morning, we start with Sunday school beginning at 9:45 A.M. Then, at 11 A.M. we enter into a Spirit-filled worship experience filled with the singing of traditional and modern hymns, prayer time, and a biblically based sermon. Come join us where we explore God’s truth in its purist form.
At the end of each month and on special occasions, our church family enjoys a Fellowship Meal after the morning worship hour. The members of our church bring delicious dishes as we enjoy a wonderful pot luck luncheon. Come join us for great food and wonderful fellowship.
Our Community
As part of our outreach to our community, we often host events promoted by our community leaders of Port Mansfield. Our fellowship hall has become a frequent meeting place for the locals when the need arises.
Our church provides other opportunities for ministry. Members of our church community provide support to Loaves and Fishes, which has a branch office in Raymondville. In addition to this wonderful ministry, we provide support to Windsor Nursing and Rehab. Center in Raymondville throughout the year with various projects. Other ministry opportunities are addressed as the need arises.
Upcoming Events
Click for this month’s events